say my name again gdr
Imagine a world free of the violent hypocrisy and oppression of the puritans. This is our chance. It's time for war. Repeat after me: I am nothing.
Salem è una città degli Stati Uniti d'America, capoluogo della contea di Essex nello stato del Massachusetts. A prima vista potrebbe sembrare una normalissima cittadina, con scuole, supermercati, università, posti di lavoro, cimiteri, ecc.. ma in realtà nasconde un grosso segreto. La città divenne famosa per il processo alle streghe del 1692 ma nessuno sa che tutt'ora quei processi avvengono all'insaputa degli abitanti della città. Una piccola cerchia di persone, composta dalle famiglie più antiche della città, si riunisce ancora oggi per decidere che cosa fare con le donne e gli uomini che vengono accusati di stregoneria... | continua



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  • Magic, madness, heaven, sin. Saw you there and I thought:

    "Oh, my God, look at

    that face

    You look like my next



    Lookin' right, lookin' like all the stars are fated.
    I remember the night, I was so frustrated.
    I touch your hand for the first time.
    I see it on your face, then another lifetime's flashin' by.
    When you left, I bet you held her body closer
    and I was hopin' you would tell her it was over.
    You're all I think about and everywhere I look.

    I know it's bad, but we could be so good

    I bet you're happy and that's fine but I regret just one thing:
    I never got to change your mind.
    And do I think about the one that got away?
    I know his name, I think about him every day.
    When you left, I thought you held her body closer.
    I never knew that you would tell her it was over.
    'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look.
    I know it's bad, but we could be so good.

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    Vomita odio e lo chiama amore
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